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The Best Mexican

E-commerce platform and legal protection of the appellation of origin of mexican cultural crafts.


Summary: Dextro needed to present the IDB an initiative about the mexican artisans. They contacted me to do the research, make a pitch presentation and finally a brief document.

This project required a short workshop using the Business Model Canvas to know how to build a solid project before research.

As a result they accepted the deliverables and they will begin to operate in December of this year. 

UX Designer


Figma, Canva Jamboard

July - Aug 2022

(1 month) 



Dextro wanted a person who knows how to do research in the mexican market, specially obtaning secondary information insights about mexican artisans in the southern states of Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Yucatán).

Additionally, that information they wanted to place it in a brilliant presentation and a brief document explaining the initiative, insights and the short information about the operation.

I offer making a short Workshop. . .

I used the Business Model Canvas to take some insights from Dextro´s team to know the main competitive advantages, key resources, activities and partners.

Key Partners

Recruitment of Artisans
Logistics in supply
Coaching and Training (Education)
Appellation of origin

Key Resources

Technical talent

Finance capabilities

Intelectual Strategy

Points of sale​

Key Activities

Intelectual property


Develop Algorithm


Call Center 

Competitive Advantages

Detect the maximum charge and disconnects to the power.

The Research - 
Our artisan . . .

Mexican artisan from the southern entities Mexico.


More than 80% of population has smartphone.


Average income of $5,580 MXN (below the minimum wage).


Pain points: Access to good technology, banking and education.

Pain points: 79% of population are part of the informal commerce, income gap (woman and men).

Pain points: Only half has access to internet.

Mobile App

I elaborated a high-fidelity prototype simulating the interface of the e-commerce platform (this will let clients interact with the crafts in sell) and the artisans special log-in which is mainly for education, news about the industry, to-do list and access to the call center for any legal, fiscal or banking questions they may have.

The Best Mexican.png

Final Deliverables

For the test, instead of doing a moderated session we wanted to know how a user USES the product instead of what they SAY about it. We use Maze for the validation, here are the results:

Screen Shot 2022-09-08 at 12.10.22 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-09-08 at 12.09.50 PM.png


Frame 3.png
Frame 2.png
Sign up 2.png

Brief Document


Mobile prototype

Inspired by Marvie✨ IOS UI Kit Dark theme (Community)



Directors from Dextro presented the proposal to the IBD using my presentation, additionally they send to them the brief document. 


They are still in progress with the project and they will have a response from the IBD in December 2022.


Next project

AKO - Language School

UI Designer

Brand Identity and app design using Figma.

Color Palettes, typography, Design System, transitions and animations (using plug-in Motion).


WhatsApp Image 2021-12-24 at 11.14.46 PM.jpeg
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